Personal Projects
These are a list of the Personal Projects I have completed
CoffeeMaker Project
- Implemented a web application with a small team that uses full stack development for the creation, purchasing, and user interactions of Coffee-based products.
- Utilized MySQL for the back end database, Spring, Rest API< and Hibernate for the application framework, and AngularJS, CSS, and HTML for the front end.
- Deigned class diagrams, sequence diagrams, REST API Endpoint designs, task flows,a nd UI/UX wireframes for proper implementation and documentation of the project
Artificial Intelligence Search Robot
- Implemented Algorithms to intelligently traverse a automation to a target position in a two dimensional map
- Integrated software applying jJava and artifical intellgence concepts of informed search and search trees
- Incorporated use of breadth-first search, A* search, Dijkstra algorithm, for efficient and vaired pathfinding
- Tested JUnit to ensure performance with several grids, featuring blocked paths, mazes, and diverse map sizes
CompresssionManager Project
- Created file compression program that used sequential number compression\
- Utilized data structures including skip list, search table, splay treee, red-black treee, and linear probling HashMap
- Conducted experimental report on program runtimes using different data structures for map ADT
- Applied software tools such as JUnit Testing, Jenkins, Eclipse, and Github for quality assurance
Generic HashMap Project
- Programmed a hash table that implements the Map class from the Java Collections framework for further understanding of Map ADTs and HashMaps
- Empoyed concepts of heaps, dynamic memory allocation, linked lists, trees, object oriented programming principes, hashing functions, and collision resolutions
IssueManager Project
- Constructed an application that omaanges issues, bugs, and tasks to be scheduled, prioritized, and fulfillled
- Introduced linked list and array list data structures to easily add, remove, and modify issues, bugs and tasks
- Integrated a Finite Machine Pattern to organize the issues, bugs, asnd tasks as eithernew, assigned, confirmed, or resolved states for differentiated handling/management